General Maintenance

Cleaning: An Air-Dock Boat Lift doesn’t require routine cleaning as marine growth will not damage the material.

If unsightly growth does occur and you choose to clean, a scrub brush and soap can be used in conjunction with a power washer. Be careful not to damage chambers when power washing.

Cleaning is recommended prior to long term storage to prevent mold and smell.

Winterizing and Storage: We recommend removing and storing your lift for the winter if you expect a hard freeze of 1” of ice or more.

After cleaning, chambers can be folded in one direction and then rolled like a sleeping bag or rug. Do not double fold like a flag as damage could occur over time.

If leaving you Air-Dock in the water without a boat, inflate the chambers slightly above the waterline to keep the tops clean.

Saltwater Use: If you plan to install in salt water, the chambers can be bottom painted if desired, although it is not required. Barnacles can be removed using a plastic scraper either in or out of the water, but they will not cause damage to the chambers.

If using anti-fouling paint, West Marine “Bottom Shield Anit-Fouling Paint” or equivalent works well.

For seasonal use, apply a new coat each season. For full time use apply two coats prior to initial installation.

Repairs: Air-Dock chambers are easy to repair, and each unit comes with a patch kit to assist should it be needed.

Minor repairs can be done on the spot without the need to un-install your lift. Most patches take only minutes to complete and can hold for many years.

Larger repairs can be done by shipping your chamber back to Air-Dock’s repair facility. Our trained professional will do a complete analysis of your problem, complete the repair and ship you a fully functioning chamber back, often in less than a week.

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